SKU AS-NODE-TH-3 Kategória Címke

AS-Node + Air Temp_Hum +2x Soil Cap + Leaf wetness


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Connected sensor data is transmitted to the AgroSense Base agricultural meteorological station through radio waves. It can be used to supplement the AgroSense Base meteorology and microclimatic parameters to accurately measure the most important parameters for plant development in the immediate vicinity of plants. AgroSense Nodes are usually connected with sensors for soil or medium moisture, conductivity (EC), leaf moisture, air temperature, humidity. But it is also possible to connect NDVI, infrared or even water depth sensors.

It is tailored to your needs

It measures where and what it needs. The number and location of measuring points may be determined by differences in terrain, soil or irrigation circuits, or possibly by crops. Connectable sensors are accurate and reliable.

Flexible use

You can always upgrade your system with new tools. AgroSense Node can be easily uninstalled and migrated, for example, to detect frost threats or when switching cultures. In addition to its own air heat/humidity and ground thermometer, it can be expanded with 4 additional sensors.

Minimum maintenance requirement

It comes with its own AA battery power supply, which can be operated for up to 30 months without any maintenance.


Due to its weatherproof (UV and waterproof) design, it has a long life. The antenna rod is flexible and does not stick to the sprayer frame.




Type pcs. Manufacturer Precision
Shielded air temperature & humidity (AS-STH) 1x AgroSense tip. ± 0,3 °C

tip. ± 2 %RH

Soil Water Potential (TEROS-21) 2x METER GROUP water potential: ±(10% of reading + 2 kPa) from −100 to −9 kPa

soil temperature: ±1 °C

Leaf wetness (PHYTOS 31) 1x METER GROUP water coverage: 0-100%
  • Communication interval: 10 min
  • Battery:3.6VDC AA-size, 2300mAh. Expected lifetime 12-36 month
  • mounting rod included: 1m
  • communication: 800MHz proprietary radio communication to AS-BASE (max: 1000m LoS, typical: 500m)